This is a used Sony Trinitron 14" TV with RGB SCART in.
Model number: KV-M14TU
This TV has an RGB SCART input at the rear and composite video / audio inputs on the front.
It actually has carry handles on each side of the case, just like Sony's PVMs!
Despite quite a bit of marking to the top of the TV, the tube is totally burn free and displays a lovely crisp image.
It has a single mono speaker at the top of the unit.
The rear SCART is fine with both composite and RGB input signals, and the composite front
connection works fine with 50hz PAL / 60hz NTSC composite images.
Unfortunately the front flap has gone missing to cover up the front inputs.
But that's it really, it's a really nice little TV and makes a great testbench / supergun display.
Not sure on value, so looking for valuations.

The marks on the top of the TV seem to be spilt paint or plastic/resin of some kind.
With the right solvent it should be possible to peel or scrape it off.